Tijuana Flats
Prototype to Grow with
The ask
Tijuana Flats is a well known South Florida brand know for its wacky interiors and a lot of hand-done artwork in addition to pretty great tacos. As the brand grew to other markets they wanted to update the design while keeping the irrelevant aspects of who they are. The update ended up being an all-encompassing program with several dozen new and remodel units completed very quickly and has continued to meet achieve the sales and unit economic goals we were charged with.
The Process
The murals that Tijuana Flats are known for remained but done in ways that put them as more focused elements that really made them stand out. One of the key factors like always is affordability. We used common materials in creative ways to make that happen. As we say all the time, it doesn’t matter if it looks good but doesn’t meet the financial model of a brand.
The Process
The brand has continued to roll out this design in several dozen locations and we even won “Best New Protypoe” when it first completed in 2019. We remain actively involved with Tijuana Flats supporting continued design evolution on an ongoing basis.